Mini vMac is a B&W 68000 Mac Plus emulator now running in modern web browsers. See the Gryphel Project.
Please note that everything you modify in this VM will be discarded; Nothing can be saved or exported.
Disk image conversion process was mostly automated so if you find issues, please report them in the chat!
Web emulators are experimental and slow. Install an emulator on your computer to get much better performance.
If this runs too fast, hold down CTRL and hit ALT + S, then hit Z to throttle down Mini vMac to 1X speed. Keys not working? Go fullscreen then out.
Visit this software's page: Shufflepuck Café
Also try... Architecture:
Quick links to emulate more old Mac software in your browser now!

Apeiron v1.0.3

Civilization v1.0.7

Crystal Crazy v1.0.6

Crystal Quest v2.2c

Dark Castle Color v3.0.4

Dome Wars v1.5.1

Maelstrom v1.4

Monkey Island 1 v1.0

Monkey Island 2 v1.5.1

Mortal Pongbat v1.1

Prince of Persia v1.0

Prince of Persia 2 v1.0

Shufflepuck Café v1.0

SimCity 2000 v1.0

SimCity Classic v1.5

SimTower v1.2

Stunt Copter 1.x/2.0